Virginia Green is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s campaign to promote environmentally-friendly practices in all aspects of Virginia’s tourism industry. Virginia Green has established “core activities” specific to each sector of tourism, and these practices are considered the required minimum for participation in the program. However, Virginia Green encourages its participants to reduce their environmental impacts in all aspects of their operations, and this profile provides a full list of all their “green” activities. These are the activities that guests/customers can expect to find when they visit this facility.
Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend
The Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend is a running event held over 3 days in Virginia Beach, VA. The event has 5 different distance events and a Sports and Fitness Expo.
We have always had a green event. It is the right thing to do to protect our environment and the future of our country.
Virginia Green Activities
We pledge that we:
– Have in place clearly marked recycling locations and/or containers
– Glass bottles
– Aluminum cans
– Plastic bottles
– Paper
– Cardboard
– Composting of food & other compostable items
– Minimize the use of disposable food service products
Printed Materials:
– Use electronic registration, correspondence, and forms instead of paper forms
– Print brochures and other printed items on recycled content paper
– Purchase/use paper products with 30% or higher recycled-content
Waste Reduction:
– Track overall solid waste costs (required for Virginia Green)
– Donate excess food from events
– Use water pitchers to minimize the use of single-use bottles
– Encourage the use of mass-transit and/or carpooling to the event
– Provide for recycling of boxes and other set-up wastes
– Purchase from vendors and service providers with a commitment to the environment
Green Signage:
– Have a link on our website to the Virginia Green Events webpage
– Have a green event section on our events webpage highlighting all of our green activities
For more information on the Virginia Green program, see
Virginia Green is a partnership supported by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the Virginia Hospitality & Tourism Association, and the Virginia Tourism Corporation.