The Leprechaun Dash (formerly known as the Children’s Marathon) is for our youngest athletes, ages 6 months to 5 years old! These participants get to experience the excitement of race day as they line up on the boardwalk near King Neptune’s Park at 31st Street. The children are started in waves by age. At the end of their 26.2 yard run, these marathoners cross the main Shamrock finish line to the cheers of an adoring crowd, where a special finisher’s medal awaits them. All participants also receive a T-shirt and goody bag!
Packet Pickup: All Leprechaun Dash registrants must pick up their race bib and T-shirt at the Shamrock Sports & Fitness Expo at The Virginia Beach Convention Center on Friday before race day. There is no race day packet pickup – you must pick up your child’s packet on Friday at the expo!
We will open the corral to all participants at 10:15am. We ask that our youngest runners be accompanied by one parent. We suggest another parent or sibling wait at the Finish Line to capture the epic finish!
Strollers: To ensure the safety of all participants, strollers will not be permitted in the Leprechaun Dash.