Every participant is a winner from their first step across the starting line to their glorious march across the finish line. You have a story to tell, a victory to brag about and a memory to treasure for years. J&A wants to hear those stories. We want to share your story with others and inspire them to join you next year. Each story is unique and that’s what makes us eager to hear your journey. Submit your story of success below and read others!
In 2009 I lost my husband and father to cancer. I found myself eating to ease my pain. 2013 I was sitting in the doctors office hearing the dreaded words. You have cancer. I knew at that moment I had to get myself together to fight this beast. I cleaned up my diet and after surgery I started exercising and lost 100 lbs. from that day I have never looked back. To add to my workouts I started cycling since running wasn’t really my strong suit. I figured I would never do more than a 5k. As 2023 approached I wanted to do something to celebrate my health and 10 years cancer free. Many of my friends were doing Shamrock so one night I decided why not and signed up. I trained so hard and just wanted to finish without struggling. I have to say I had so much fun doing the half marathon and enjoyed the entire 13.1 miles! I felt strong and confident the whole time. I cried as I crossed the finish line and so thankful for being healthy enough to run. The after party was the best! I danced for a few hours after running a half marathon and still felt great! I have to say that high lasted a week! I’ll be back next year!
I am not a runner. Last year I volunteered to help with the Shamrock 8K race and thought, “I could do this.” Actually, I don’t know why that occurred to me, but it seemed to stick, and I started walking the Virginia Beach boardwalk on a daily basis, beginning with short distances and gradually lengthening it. It was always in the back of my mind that I was going to sign up for the 8K race, but I still didn’t do it. I’m a person of goals and have accomplished many. For example, when I began to show dogs I aspired for a Best in Show award and eventually got one. If I was going to race, I was going to give it my all. I wasn’t trying to win awards, but just to do my best.
In September, I tested the waters (or the terrain) by signing up for the Bubble Run 5K. My stamina was good, but the heat was brutal. I was pouring water down my back at the water stations. When I crossed the finish line and received a medal, I was empowered. The training began in earnest and I signed up for the Shamrock 8K. For some weird reason, I thought the race was a 5K and when I realized it was 8K I began to doubt myself. My worst fear was that I would not be able to finish.
My father was a track star. I lost him way too soon. I decided I was going to make this race a tribute to his memory. I took a break in the fall to go to Ireland where I accomplished another goal, which was to play the bodhran drum with an Irish band. I ended up on stage with a group from Riverdance. I also played with a group in a pub and they suggested I stay in Ireland and be part of the band.
When I returned, I began training again and timing myself. I only actually did the full 8K about six times before the race. The whole church choir was praying for me the day of the race. I had been worried about the weather. Wind and heat were my worst fears, but I didn’t have to worry. There was some wind, but not enough to cause any problems for me. The people cheering us on and the signs gave me extra energy. I think I would have made my Dad proud of me when I not only finished the race, but got 3rd in my class.
I’m not done yet as I’ll be in the race on Labor Day. I feel I’ve accomplished my goals, but now I’m training for my health. And I’m grateful for everything the Shamrock 8K and everyone involved in my endeavor did for this non-runner who now races. BTW I’m 80 years old 🙂
I had recently moved to the area (Navy Family) and really wanted to get out and explore the community we had just moved to. A fellow navy wife who had also just moved into the area at the same time was just getting started on her postpartum run journey. I had seen an a friend from college post that she was running the marathon so I went to the website and saw that the 8K still had registration open. I reached out to my friend and asked if she’d be interested in doing this race together. We registered that day and she also registered her little one for the fun run and we went for it!
We had such a great time at the expo as well as on race day. Loved the encouragement along the course not only from spectators but from other runners as well and we really enjoyed the after party experience! I loved having the opportunity to run along the boardwalk and have already registered for my next J&A races! My sweet friend who ran it with me recently moved again to California but her and her husband plan on coming back next spring for the 1/2 marathon and we will all run that one together as well!
Thank you for such a wonderful race weekend from a newbie to the Hampton Roads area!
At 66 years old, I was running my second-ever marathon. I wanted to qualify for Boston, and I knew that Virginia Beach was the place to do it! What with the great course, enthusiastic crowd of spectators, and wonderful sets of volunteers, I knew coming in that I had an excellent chance to realize my dream. I had to get under 4:05 and managed a time of 3:58!
Thanks to everyone from the organizers, and sponsors down to the guys and gals on the course handing out snacks and drinks and lines of cheering onlookers for inspiring me to keep going right to the very end. I could not have done it without you all.
Lastly, thanks to my training buddies and cheerleaders from Runners Retreat in Winchester, many of whom were also there running alongside me!
These memories are now permanently cemented in my brain for all time. Best wishes always for this classy event.
I have always been afraid of the marathon distance, but wanted to give it a try! I saw multiple five star reviews of Shamrock and picked it for my first marathon. The vibes were amazing, water and nuun stations fantastic, and it was an overall fantastic day! I ended up qualifying for Boston. It was a perfect first marathon!
Even better is that I came with my sister. We had a great time exploring Virginia Beach together!
Prior to 2022, Jayde’s last #ShamrockOn race was in 2017 with her best friend and a failing heart. In 2019, Jayde has a heart transplant and an incredible journey of suffering from kidney failure, pneumonia, and relearning to walk. In 2022, Jayde was able to return to the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend and complete the Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon with her niece. They had a fantastic time and Jayde is grateful for her second chance at life and being able to spend 13.1 miles with her beautiful niece , Sara!
Kristi has spend most of her life overweight and in constant pain. She has spent the last few years working on her health, losing over 150 pounds. She soon set the goal of running a half marathon for herself, bringing her husband along for the ride to celebrate their 15th anniversary together at the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend. Kristi was enthralled by the energy that made each mile fly by. Kristi loved that crowds were incredible and grew larger with each mile. The last mile was the most moving, reminding her that she had gone from being out of breath going up the stairs to running 13.1 miles. Signing up for the Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon changed Kristi’s life, her health, her story, and her future.
Jason is in sustained long term recovery from mood or mind altering substances. Last year he was in a very dark place mentally and physically but with hard work and determination he was able to remove himself from a horrible addiction and run in his very first Shamrock Race. It was an amazing experience that he says will hold a special place in his heart and he cant wait to run the Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon in 2023!
This week we’re featuring Amy and her group of friends from New Jersey! They took on the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend and tackled every distance from the 8K to the full marathon. They had such a great time at the 50th running and at the Shamrock Sports & Fitness Expo that many of them already registered for 2023 Shamrock Weekend.
It’s Shamrock Story Time! This week we have Brooke Fox’s story to share: Brooke last ran the TowneBank Shamrock 8K in 2017 one month before undergoing surgery for colon cancer. She described the race in 2017 as one of the happiest days of her life because she was surrounded by friends and family. This year, she celebrated her 5 year “cancerversary” by running the 8K again. Creating a new happiest day of her life because she was cancer-free and surrounded by friends and family on such an incredible weekend!
Jami’s father was a long time #ShamrockOn participant who took part in the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon weekend every year for 47 years before his passing last year. Shamrock was his favorite trip of the year and loved having that his family was able to join him in the activity he loved the most. To honor his love for the event and running, the family came together at the 50th Running of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon and completed the 8k!
The Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon was a bucket list race for Britt and her husband Fred since he’s 100% Irish and she’s a St. Patrick’s Day baby. However, in 2020 Fred unexpectedly passed away and Britt stopped running. Finally in 2021, after some convincing from a good friend, Britt decided it was time to cross it off the bucket list and run for Fred. Britt said the experience was eye opening and gave her the push she needed to start running again! She hopes to participate again since Fred would have absolutely loved it!
The Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon was Shun Brown’s second half marathon and while she was mentally prepared, it was a physical challenge. She was joined by her running group We Off the Couch from Richmond, VA and they came with just one goal, for every team member to finish! Shun came to #ShamrockOn Weekend to have fun with her team, enjoy the views, and walk away with an amazing medal! While her goal going into races is to finish, she not only finished the Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon, she had an amazing time doing it!
Ashton completed his 200th Race at the 50th Running of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend. Not only was it his 200th race, it was his 10 year anniversary of racing too! Ashton’s first #ShamrockOn event was the TowneBank Shamrock 8K in 2012 and since then he’s completed over 40 J&A races!
“I first heard about Shamrock in March of 2016. I was new to the area after a move. My first job was at the oceanfront and my first weekend working was Shamrock. I was in awe of the amazing people who participated because clearly, that was not something I could do. I was obese and in no condition to even think about running. Fast forward 6 years, a 100 pound weight loss, and nine months of training. I finally got to make my dream a memory.”
Theresa was born and raised in Virginia Beach but moved away over 36 years ago. Since retiring in 2018, she’s picked up running and ever since her first 5K, she’s been hooked! After hearing about the Shamrock Weekend, she knew she had to take part. Theresa loved running the oceanfront streets she used to cruise as a kid and pushed herself to PR the TowneBank Shamrock 8K! With such an amazing experience under her belt, she jumped into the deep end and registered for her first half – the Anthem Shamrock Half Marathon in 2023!